Sunday, February 26, 2006

skopos : men on earth

One sure can say that this one has something to do with Littlescars and his ideas of... Ehmm... (lets say) perfect man to have relationship with.

Before I start to burst what's currently in my mind, make sure you aware of the terms that :

1) I = Independently not represent straight, bisexual nor gay men. Don't be a sex checker but if it helps, just pretend that I am a very pretty girl.
2) You = Gay man.
3) I am not against You, gay men, bisexual men nor straight men.

So, it begins...

Why some gay men tend to not having a relationship with bisexual men?
I am talking about relationship which involves love, not purely sex.

Because... you afraid that it'll end up with marriage between your bisexual boyfriend with his girlfriend?

Come on, don't make me laugh and roll.
In this era, please don't be so sentimental...
There's no such thing like happy ending.

Even if you date a gay man, there's always a chance that he might end up at a "living together" with a new man.

My advice, if you don't wanna end up being a celibate, go out and pick a man, love him, and force him to commit yourselves to a relationship.
If it ends next week, you still can go out and pick another one to love.
Oh ouw, don't lecture me that to love is a hard thing to do.
Don't be a cold-blooded gay man.

Why some bisexual men think that having a girlfriend will make them seem OK?

Ain't it realizable that they just ruin whole things.

But then again, it depends.
Perhaps, they're having girlfriends (and boyfriends too) because they're just love to be surrounded by girls and boys.
To adore them.

If having sex is a subject to be dealt with, then they may like various things, like an ice-cream today, cocholate tomorrow...
Who can blame them???

Do straight men despise gay men?
I don't know. Some do?

Ok so, some straight men despise gay men...
You might say "D�j� vu".
Then add "Darn."

Lots of research, let's say they:
1) Just scare that gay men will hunt them down.
2) Have some dark past, i.e. raped by an uncle or two.

And so on...

Why are they so tightly conservative?
Fire away and ask my uncles, brother, and cousins.
They sure will passionately answer you.

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