Monday, January 31, 2005

Come back!

It's 05:15 pm. now.
I just finish Operations Research class [God knows, 2 questions homework is just too much if deadline is 11:00 am. tomorrow.] and I must say that one couldn't get away from math ever.
I like math but I was expecting that it'll be easier in Management and I'll have a lot of spare time to play or surf or do something else.
And when I say math, believe me, I am talking about Linier programming, Simplex programming, so so.

About 7 minutes ago, I was walking from my campus to this internet cafe [I like this one for I could use my FlashDisk to save what I'd like to download] and did make a stop to buy some fried stuff -you know, fried tofu etc- and... what I am going to tell is, do not eat them with green chili if you skipped your lunch.
Stomach problem, make you feel like make a poo.


Thursday, January 20, 2005


I don't need anyone to tell me that I am a perfectionist, because I really know that I am.
And that's true that I am a lazy undicipline perfectionist.
So, I better get some who will watch my work and keep bug me with all the things that could make me kill them.
This morning, I met my "Bahasa Indonesia" lecturer, and I think I'll need her help when I believe that my novel is worth to read.
And to work it out, I'll take a long day off.

Monday, January 17, 2005

watch me

Classes officially start today.
And I'm ready to show off.
I mean, for the first week, I should show something off, right?
We [come on!] need a little bit more attention, right?
And those who rememberable will [who knows?] get great points, right?
So... here I come.

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Have you ever heard the voice of a mouse which trapped on a glue-paper?
I Have. It's like "Cit ciit ciiiiiit"
Trust me, it hurts you! Really it does.
And I think PETA won't like it. [will they? even for a mice?]
But what can you do when you know that mice like to have late-night party at your kitchen?
You have to do something!
And as I can't afford to have a cat [I believe that it's nature that cats kill mice. men kill mice? where's the reputation?!], the only thing that makes sense is buy a glue... and let them stick their self on it.
And about reputation, do you really care?
Last... does anyone know how to kill mice without making them "Cit ciit ciiiiiit".
Instead act and do like a snipper, i mean.

Saturday, January 15, 2005


What will happen to you when you finally watch closer?
Will you push your self to play a role just like Natalie Portman did?
Or will you try to speak queen english just to feel sexier than Clive Owen?
Wanna be childish author like Jude Law?
Well, the effects may vary...

And what happened to me?
I am taking portrait pictures now.
Not because I like Julia Roberts [believe me, i really don't like her. i just don't]
With a pocket digital camera I think I still can make some close-up photograph [and i mean it. a very close up photograph] and it's time to use macro!
And guess what?
I just picked 4 12R photographs.
Surely some of your not favorite part of face will appear [as the pictures meant to be something real, with your pluses and minuses] in a big paper, and... hmm your sibling may will love to laugh at!
Like.. my lips. My sister's cheek. Or my brother's nose.
But hey, that's for fun! And to show that you dare to look like a human being without make-ups! Oh, and strangers... smile!
I'm out now...

PS : should I post the pictures also?

Friday, January 14, 2005

45 minutes left...
I've an appointment with Mr Purwadi [please, don't ask me who mr purwadi is] at 1 pm.
I found some mistakes with god knows what they call it.
Here's the problem, I was studying IT and I had a few great scores from few classes I took.
Means, I passed some classes. Means, I just need to transfer them and needn't to take the same classes again.
But, on my online-file which can be checked anytime anywhere as long as there's an internet connection, I can't find them.
So... in 43 minutes...
I'll speak to Mr Purwadi.

I do ...

Finally, there's an invitation on my desk.
A hardcopy one, that makes me believe that it's gonna happen. Heard it from my family before but couldn't believe. And now, it's there. On my desk.
Sealed. And I prefer to keep it so.
My lovely supercute cousin will have a wedding party next month.

... wish you all the best

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Nellie McKay

When I was in Jakarta few days ago, Ve took me to aksara and there, I found a very great CD.
First time I heard it, I was totally like it.
For I had no clue about the singer, I did a google.
And it's an understandable thing that I [and maybe a lot of people] don't know who's bloody Nellie McKay.

"Her clever double-disc debut, Get Away From Me (take that, Norah Jones!),
was my favorite strolling-around-the-neighborhood recording of the year."

Records of the Year "Get Away From Me," encompasses hip-hop,
dance pop and alternative rock as well as bubbly jazz on its two discs,
but it's McKay's laser-beam wit and able songwriting that made it one of the debut albums of the year."

Now, go shop and get your own McKay!



Do not get bored. Feel lucky that I'll post a lot.
And this is a quite [i'll say] funny one.

A friend of mine in the past [well, we still be friends, but not like we were, so just named it, X], did text me last night.
It's been a long long long time [imagine, about 3 or 4 years] since we moved to our chosen city to study.
At first, X introduced Xself to me. With few things that X thinks will remind me of X.
Sure I remember X. We had a great bond. We trusted each other. We cared each other. And at the end we betrayed each other. Well, X betrayed me, in fact.
I was [and i am] a very nice boy who .. just nice! And nice boy doesn't betray.
Anyway, X just wanna know how's my life. My study [we were the best! yeah, it's cocky but that's the truth]. And everything [include who's my lover, if happened that i have one].
For being polite, I asked X more less the same.
And at the end, we asked each other about our desire.

X wants to be a friend of mine. In this present. Perhaps in future also.
X wants me join our old group and back to our lovely city next holiday.
X wants to be the best and get best job X ever dreamt.
X wants to have children and make me a god father [with laugh X texted. So, can't help, really don't care whether X was serious or not].

Then it was my turn as X forced me to tell my desire.
I was going to tell X that I wanna be an author or in a worst case, a journalist, who has got over the past [which can interpreted that i am still a friendly friend of X's]
But then I decided to text X

I am young.
I wanna have fun.
And get my fame.

Then it took a long for X to reply.
And me to think.
For old time's sake, do not be such sentimental.
I am a very new person. I learn everyday. And change everyday if I want to.

Another apple to bite!

O h m y g o d . . .
Every second you'll find a newest and smaller-size-big-thing by surfing the internet!
Now, allow me to introduce... iPod shuffle!
Look at this tiny little bloody cute thing.
Everybody likes it! I bet they'll do.
And it's not the only new thing.
Macmini is another damn great thing to have.
Damn you, Steve Job!
You are a bloody adorable man!


What a bloody hosting provider! is lost in somehell else and so is my site!
Have no their office's phone number.
Have no their office's address.
It was a cyber transaction...
Have no clue what to do now...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Some of what I brought from my last embarkation, which I decide to recommend are :

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon [MUST buy!]
Alan Hollinghurst's The Line Of Beauty [i am still in the beginning but it's already interesting]
31 songs - Nick Hornby [in the middle]
Shanghai Baby by Wei Hui [all thumbs up]
Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn [they said this is the best. don't read it yet]

Correct, they're the novels. Do googles!

Well, I bought 3 dvds when had a chance to be in the shop.
They're Closer [kinda lost, but i like it!], Calendar Girl [not yet watch] and Confession of Teenage Drama Queen [a bit funny but don't really like it. too teen!]

Huahahaha. Just buy one when you think it looks damn good.
Two is even better.

Yeah, saw a lot, bought one. Some will be soon in Indonesian market.
Nokia 7710 is a pretty bloody interesting thing. But too expensive for what it features.
Motorola MPx I dare to say, a must!
Powerbook [ok, i admit, i am too much in love with this thing], just buy it!

What else?
Places? Clubs? Pubs?
Ehm.. I better sign off. Right before some get me wrong.

lack of taste

As I can't even open my hosting provider's web, I am totally hot.
Burning up. Sweating.
Something must've happened.
And what makes me want to scream,

' S t u c k h e r e . . .
with a noisy atmosphere comes from tofu's song. [too lazy to link tofu, do a google yourself if you're insterested in a noisy maker band]
I can't stand why the front desk girl in this internet cafe can enjoy that song!
Now, it's a day time. Damn hot day. And you're supposed to hear something chilling.
There's a lot of options. Take Emi Fujita to play. Or Susan Wong. Or any others favorite golden sweet memories of yours...

Gees, now it's linkin park! Plus Jay Z!
End of the world! It supposed to be played in the morning! To wake you up!

Hey lady, you're fired!
If I'm the boss.

Alas I ain't.
Uuuuuuuhhmmm take a very long deep breath.
And go. Leave this bloody noisy world.
I'm checking out.


no can find

What's wrong with my bloody hosting?
Now, can't find any pages on!

Switching it temporarily to blogspot now.

happily back to life

Holidays off.
Back to jogja now.
With six new novels to read [i am not sure when will i finish them], three dvds, and few more junks.
Whoops, plus a lot of experiences :)
Had the chance to meet three new persons. And learnt tons of thing.
God knows, how small I was, being in that groups. Well, I am!
Perhaps, my life will starts at 30... if I have a chance to be so, surely.

Anyway, today's the day that made me nervous.
The day to pick up the result of [only] 5 classes I took.
And it was a damn great thing for me. Quite satisfied.
Before, I was thinking that being blond must be something ridiculous.
You know, some say they have light brain. Some say they've much more fun ;)
And I was lost in it. Forgot a lot of things. Being a slow thinker. And it was so fit, like I'd a light brain. And about being someone who has so much fun? Do not ask me.
But I dare to say that I am a lucky one. A bloody lucky one.
Now, as things back to normal.
Classes to join. Courses to take. I am thinking to dye my hair again, to make it darker.
Is there any dark ash to get?

Friday, January 07, 2005


Uhm, got no more time to upload to another hosting provider.
so below you can click few links to my shots on Fotografer.
Girl in Red
Couple [i still think it's a romantic moment]
5 p.m.
The Lake.
and much more to be uploaded.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

tsunami help

This is what I found in last 3 minutes.
and now everyone can do something.
Like... "donate now.."

Click here to donate

Monday, January 03, 2005

Oh, I forgot to make this clear.
I am in Thailand right now, but in a safest place.
[I always being a selfish person in this world but that's something I can't help]
Will leave this country soon, anyway.

Ok, I feel sorry for those who swept away by the waves but...
that makes no change I suppose.
What more can I do?
It's a natural disaster and I can do nothing.
We can blame none.

Just wish them a good place..
[which I even have no clue where it'll be....]

somewhere in muangthai

This is a holiday.
And holiday means relax. Have unusual things to do.
So, all I am doing so far are... read a novel [surprise, i've read the half in day two] and have some times walking on the beach [stupid, i don't take swimsuit and tanning oil along with me!]
The beach will be always a good place for a photographer. And for I consider my self as an amateur one, I'll always take my pocket digital camera anywhere I go [now we know that photographers have no holiday! so to feel better, i should also write some more pages of my unpublished yet novel].
Anyway, you should see what I took!
I'll post the pictures later.
Oh remind me to renew my domain and upgrade my hosting later.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

a new start

So... a new start for a whole new year.
Desperately hope, I will have what I've been planning, done in this year.
It'll be my ticket home after all.

g o o d l u c k !