Tuesday, February 22, 2005

first one

So, this is my first post from mac. And also the first post use wi-fi.
Oh don't give me that look!
FYI We have some places here in Jogja which provide the hotspots!
And right now, I'm at the lobby of Novotel hotel, surfing freely.
And it just great.

2 hours surfing around, found out that the treo650 is the best pda.
Just perfect. Well, Almost perfect.
Was looking for Clie Th55 european version and XdaIIs, but both have some lacks.
Can't sync XdaIIs with mac.
God damn hard to find Clie Th55. [It's my lack of network, eh?]



Friday, February 11, 2005

I just wanna write this one in about 3 minutes before step into the class.
Hendra, a friend from same small town, same school [we were always in the same school, til we're too big enough to move to what city we liked] is in Jogja. For holiday. And today, he's staying at my place while I'm in my campus for all day :)
He must become so grumpy right now, and when I back [about 7.30pm] he'll have to be already in a big hell, waiting for my arrival to burn me up hehehe
poor mate!

And for Dony keep bugged us to watch "If Only", we made it yesterday!
Bought the movie then watched together with everyone who's in my sister room.
And, Dony... the movie was great, but I don't like being sentimental. Especially, when I'm alone. And that's too much. It was something that I'd prefer not to watch with those people hehehe.

Ok gotta go.

PS : Honey, I am sinking as I can't stop the time. None can. So just let me :)
It's already February now...
Running out time... Scares me.
I had too much to waste, time and energy.
Wait wait, Did I have that much? Because someway I feel like I am sinking. And there's nothing I can do.
I don't have much power to do my activities.
Just like a mobile, I am Low Batt.
I need to think and do nothing. Back to a super lazy boy.
Charge my body and soul.

I am sure I am sinking now...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Mr February

Lots of fun in February!
Tomorrow is Chinese New Year [and for being polite, you'll get something from your family.. and even beloved one!]
The day after, is another holiday!
Rolling on the floor, being lazy for all day...
Then Valentine, I should go to Bali!
And have something for my self...
Life's so good! On february.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

#1 on February

I am bloody hungry right now.
6 hours ago, stepping in Insomnia [like a lounge] with friends who I met about 4 years ago [but we're pretty close] ordered nothing but Margarita [It was a Buy one get one free, believe me I wasn't "Kyasu"] then moved to Hugos cafe and hardly can move my body. Need a drink, I thought. So there was a glass of Screwdriver.
[Confession : It was my first time to be in, both Insomnia and Hugos].
From Hugos cafe, here I am.
"Stuck" in the internet cafe.
From here... I need to make a stop at Circle K.
Chips are ok... for breakfast? It's 4am now.