Sunday, February 24, 2013


What one has to do to kill an hour or two before watching the Academy Awards?

Keep drinking local wine? Checked.
Have a mouthful bite of left-over donuts from Brunch today? Checked.
Reading a dirrrrty sex-text from our favourite golfer? Checked. Wait, a note is needed here: Anyone calls himself Tiger is for sure a guy who likes to share his private with others. We are pretty clear with the term Cougar, no?

I have not been posting anything here lately due to a mess I created in my life. Questions one has to answer himself honestly about life, lust, and perhaps love. But hey, lets set it aside and write about... suicide.

No, I am not thinking about taking my own life. I am far from the place where I could have the urge to finish with everything here. I do not think death is the celebration of life, unlike Ruslana Korshunova that Kazakh-Russian model who was (self)murdered. Gob bless her soul.

I went to Rietberg museum this morning to see the Chavín exhibition and saw this figure cuts his throat, committing suicide. Long before Adolf Hitler took his own life and Judas Iscariot killed himself. Who would have thought that suicide would be a "good" theme, part of the culture in the past? Peruvian.

Ok, a cute guy came approaching, said "please do not take pictures". I found the "please do not take pictures" is a total Bravo Sierra. Everyone knows that pictures help. Marketing-wise. How could I ask people to see other than the suicide-figure above if I do not have a picture to get their attention? Even in Louvre, they let visitors to photograph Mona Lisa.

Anyway, who wants to present me a brief-opener? I know what I fancy. Hint: look at the photo below.

Friday, February 01, 2013

I'm fuckscinated! #1

What is happening in Switzerland?

There is a phenomena known as "Taxi 144" where your friend calls an ambulance to get rid of drunken you from the club while they continue partying, instead of help taking you home.
It costs you CHF 1200 for one time trip in an ambulance. The health insurance normally covers CHF 500 for the ambulance transport per year. You pay the rest.

Meanwhile, this is a picture of the latest campaign in reaction to discrimination against people living with HIV / AIDS. They want you to FUCK POSITIVE because under medication they are less infectious if not not infectious at all. For more information go straight, or gay, to their website