Tuesday, December 21, 2004

a picky thief

This is really sucks. My two favorite sandals had been stolen!
I will never forgive and forget that bastard. If I could spell a magic, hmm he'll regret ever did it!
Well, the sandals their self don't cost a lot but.. hey, they're something I like and I wore everyday!
And it's hard enough to find them in stores nowadays!
[the thief was a picky! he took my not-so-expensive sandals and left my sister's damn-expensive shoes!]

We have a big space outside the door, and since it's a habit to take off the shoes and sandals before step into the house, I always left my sandals outside. Now, on the opposite of my house, there's a guest house. And the shit is almost every weekend, students from Bali or somehell else stay at that place! And imagine what can big buses do! Noisy!
I think someone from that study tour group took them! What a fuck!
Now, I am wearing my very old sandal [which I bought when I was drunk, I think] and someone, somewhere, wears my sandal.

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