Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Children of Cambodia

I am often too lazy to put some thoughts here. But this one really scratch my head.

How can the family, the government, the country protects their children if they let the children work on the street?
Anywhere I lay my eyes on in Cambodia, I see children sell something. And they are quite pushy.

In some places, one would even meet some "highly trained" children who fluently chanting please give me one dollar, I need to buy books for school. please give me one dollar, i need to buy food.
And I mean it when I write this, they even grasp one from many things they can of a running Tuk-tuk and run along until you give them some money.

They sometimes can be tricky, ask you with smile, to take their photographs and when it's done, they demand a dollar for each.

Anyway, come from another poor country, I feel a bit strange to think that their government should put the children in school instead of on the street.

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