Sunday, October 05, 2008


I am right now in Moluccas. If you have no idea where on earth is it, try google earth. I however will give you a hint here, based on Apple's dictionary.

As this is somewhere east of Indonesia where everything is underdeveloped, do not expect me to post often.

I was born and growing up here, in Dobo. So many things happened here I would never, could never forget where I came from.

My mom and her favorite grandson, Randy. Whatever to keep her not asking me to produce any offspring.

Randy and his brother, Farel.

He's really into my BlackBerry.

My youngest brother, Yudi. He's so cute and funny, I want to adopt him.

Natalie (my niece, she looks exactly like her mom! ) takes me out to the beach, watching her friends playing volleyball.

Hendra and Beng, my high school friends.

Edwin, my cousin takes me around the island on a boat trip for a week.

We pass quite lots of boat like this.
Can you imagine anacondas under the water? No? It'd be so much funner if there are anacondas...

Here I am with some local boys on an island. I guess it's called Mesiang Island.

Sun dried fish.

Are these the fins of baby sharks?

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